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‘Dear Jamie Dimon’: O.W.S. writes to bankers

CNN Money, By James O'Toole, October 28, 2011. After railing against Wall Street greed for weeks from their encampment at Zuccotti Park in New York, a group went on the move Friday, dropping off thousands of letters addressed to Wall Street executives.

99% Delivers Letters to Bank CEOs, Egyptians March in Solidarity

AlterNet, By Julianne Escobedo Shepherd, October 28, 2011. Unions, students, foreclosure victims and a special Egyptian envoy protest bank CEOs in letter form. Shannon Bell, Citigroup’s head of corporate communications, may not have counted on her day being so packed with visitors. But when an enthusiastic, cheerful group of about 400 Occupy Wall Street protesters showed up at her front door, she was obliged to emerge from her company’s corporate headquarters in midtown Manhattan to hear them out.

Occupy Wall Street Protesters March to Bank Offices

ABC News, Susanna Kim, October 28, 2011. A group of Occupy Wall Street protesters coordinated a march in mid-town Manhattan today, delivering 6,000 “angry letters” to five major banks. Before the march, the group, Occupy the Board Room,  invited people to submit letters online to Bank of America, Morgan Stanley, Wells Fargo, Citigroup and JP Morgan Chase.

Occupy the Boardroom: 9 Angry, Heart-Breaking Messages to Wall Street’s Elites From the 99%

AlterNet, By Joshua Holland, October 20, 2011. A new effort, Occupy the Boardroom, offers those whose economic security has been crushed by the recession a chance to send messages directly to a banking executive of their choice.  Ordinary people can post their letters to, and activists promise to do whatever it takes to deliver them to the intended recipients. “Life gets awfully lonely for those at the top,” reads a tagline on the site. “What can we do to let them know someone's thinking of them? Maybe they need some new friends!”

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