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2024 ALIGN Movement Builders Awards

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The Movement Builders Awards are ALIGN’s annual fundraiser to support our work for clean air, green jobs, and dignity and justice for New York’s workers.

Join us on Thursday, October 17th to celebrate our movement’s power and the leaders who are making a difference.

When: Thursday, October 17th, 2024 from 6–8:30 PM | Add to Calendar

Location: IBEW Electrical Industry Training Center
48-40 34th St, Long Island City, NY 11101 | Directions


At the 2024 ALIGN Movement Builders Awards, we’re thrilled to be honoring the leaders in social, economic, and environmental justice who make New York a national model for progress:

  • Teamsters Local 804 President Vincent Perrone, who has been a champion for working people across New York State, working in coalition with ALIGN to raise the minimum wage, combat the abusive practices of big corporations, and win worker protections. Local 804’s leadership in organizing Amazon workers has been essential to building worker power in this growing sector. 
  • Senator Jessica Ramos and Assemblymember Harry Bronson, steadfast labor leaders and Chairs of the Senate and Assembly Labor Committees. These passionate allies helped us shepherd the Warehouse Worker Injury Reduction Act and the Retail Worker Safety Act, landmark pieces of legislation that will protect thousands of New York workers, to victory this year.
  • IBEW (International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers) Local 3’s Business Representative Benjamin Arana, who recently retired, for his contributions to winning and implementing NYC’s Dirty Buildings Law, Local Law 97—the cornerstone to our city’s climate future.








CWA Local 1180 New York Administrative Employees

Marc Weiss & Nancy Meyer

Natural Resources Defense Council

New Deal Strategies

Thank you for your support!

Communications Workers of America Local 1102

Consortium for Worker Education (CWE)

Colleran, O’Hara, and Mills LLP

District Council 37

International Brotherhood of Teamsters Local 210

International Brotherhood of Teamsters Local 813

International Union of Operating Engineers (I.U.O.E.) Local Union 94, 94A, 94B

New York League of Conservation Voters

Pitta Bishop

Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union Local 338

Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union Local 1102

Plumbers Local No. 1

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Learn more or get involved! Contact Nina Terhune at