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Occupy the Boardroom

Nicole Sandler Show. Nicole Sandler, October 17, 2011. Nicole speaks with activist Kevin Zeese about yesterday's arrest of Dr. Cornel West at the Supreme Court, activists Austin Guest and Olivia Leirer about, and crooksandliars' Nicole Belle on the Sunday talk shows.

Progressive Groups Launch Occupy the Board Room

Crooks And Liars, By Kenneth Quinnell, October 15, 2011. A coalition of progressive organizations are launching a virtual march on big banks to "Occupy the Boardroom" in solidarity with the Occupy Wall Street movement. The groups created a website,, that will gather stories from Americans who have been foreclosed upon or had to file for bankruptcy.

Heard About Town

City Hall, By City Hall, October 14, 2011. Walmart officials say their latest financial reports undermine opponents’ claims that the company must open 159 stores in New York City to make up for poor performance elsewhere.

Showdown averted, Wall St. protesters celebrate

Crains, Daniel Massey & Associated Press, October 14, 2011. An expected clash with police was averted Friday when a cleanup of Occupy Wall Street's sit-in spot, Zuccotti Park, was postponed indefinitely. Jubilant protesters struck up a band and plotted their next moves.

Grass-roots groups call for reforms in economic-development funding

Buffalo News, By Samantha Maziarz, October 13, 2011. About 40 members of several grass-roots organizations gathered here Wednesday to call for reforms in the way industrial development agencies and the New York Power Authority spend taxpayer-funded subsidies, outlining a list of changes they said would provide a better rate of return on public investment.

For Press