North Country Public Radio, by Zack Seward, September 15, 2011. Will it work? We hear this sentiment a lot when we talk to experts about the councils: There's reason to be optimistic, but the proof will be in the pudding.
Innovation Trail, by Zack Seward, September 14, 2011. Will it work? We hear this sentiment a lot when we talk to experts about the councils: There’s reason to be optimistic, but the proof will be in the pudding.
Rochester City Paper, By Jeremy Moule, September 7, 2011. Alliance for a Greater New York, a wide-ranging coalition which includes Metro Justice, recently released a report that included recommendations for the councils. One of the report's recommendations: the council membership needs to go beyond business leaders. Low-income communities, communities of color, and workers groups should play a part in economic development discussions, the report says. The councils also lack environmental voices, critics say.
Artvoice, By Clifford Clawton, August 4, 2011. Governor Cuomo’s next plan in his campaign to make New York the “empire state, once again” is a revitalized series of Regional Economic Development Councils (REDC). These councils will be formed by executive order and serve as a new approach to job creation based on community consultation and regional reciprocity. The councils could be a benign to brilliant form of representation in economic development—if they weren’t overwhelmingly composed of business interests.
WCNY. By Susan Arbetter, August 3, 2011. Attorney General Eric Schneiderman joins us to discuss public integrity & another issue to come out the fracking debate… The Coalition for Economic Justice’s Alison Duwe isn’t happy with configuration of the Governor’s economic development councils. And it’s thanks to Howie Hawkins that the Green Party’s National Convention is in New York State this year.