YNN, By Mike Hedeen, June 21, 2011. A rally in Irondequoit brought to the forefront the lack of decent paying jobs in the Rochester area and across New York State. Labor leaders and the unemployed are calling on state government to create what they call "a good jobs plan.”
Troy Record, By Katie Nowak, June 21, 2011. Holding signs bearing slogans including “Where’s the jobs plan?” and “Local jobs for local people,” a group of labor, community and faith leaders gathered near the site of the under-construction FedEx processing plant on Route 4 Tuesday to express their frustration with the project’s lack of local job creation, and the lack of legislative action to address the state’s continuing unemployment problem.
Albany Times Union, By Larry Rulison, June 21, 2011. Union leaders are planning to protest the use of tax subsidies by the Rensselaer County Industrial Development Agency for the FedEx Ground distribution center being built in East Greenbush.
Albany Business Review, By Adam Sichko, June 21, 2011. Labor unions protested Tuesday at the site of FedEx Corp’s distribution center under construction in East Greenbush. Unions complained about $4 million of up-front tax breaks given to FedEx (NYSE: FDX) to build the facility, set to open sometime next year.
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle, By David Andreatta, June 21, 2011. Labor and community activists gathered today in Irondequoit to press the Cuomo administration on the status of statewide Regional Economic Development Councils, which the governor created to spur job growth.