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Jobs for tax breaks? Group wants an accounting

Newsday, By James T. Madore, May 10, 2011. Nearly 80 union officials, liberals and community activists demanded Tuesday that state leaders hold businesses more accountable for the jobs they promise to create in return for tax breaks and other incentives.

Unions, groups call for regional economic councils

Long Island Business News, By David Winzelberg, May 10, 2011. New York’s labor unions and community leaders are urging the state’s elected officials to support regional economic development councils in creating jobs. In a letter to Gov. Andrew Cuomo, Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos and Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver, a coalition of unions, civic groups and churches asked t0 transform “the state’s often wasteful and ineffective economic development system into a refocused job-creation program that prioritizes performance standards, accountability and transparency.”

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