In This Section

Good morning! The Bears mauled the Cowboys on Monday Night Football last night, which is about the only thing Giants fans have to cheer for these days.

Gov. Andrew Cuomo will be in Nassau County at SUNY Old Westbury today at 10:30 a.m. to hear the report from his second tax-relief commission, while Lt. Gov. Bob Duffy is scheduled to speak at 11 a.m. at the State Police Academy graduation ceremony at the Empire State Plaza Convention Center.

Also at 11 a.m., the Assembly Standing Committee on Agriculture and Assembly Task Force on Food, Farm and Nutrition Policy with hold an hearing in Albany on “Promoting New York Farm Products.”

On to the headlines…

As education advocates rallied against standardized testing at the Capitol Monday, Education Commissioner John King told the Times Union editorial board the state has been ”very careful to make sure that the first year of (test) results didn’t disadvantage anyone.” (TU)

On his decision to send his kids to a private Rensselaer County Montessori school: “It’s not about public versus private, it’s about finding the right environment for your child.” (CapCon)

Hospital industry officials are not thrilled that the state Health Department has posted a trove of new information about what individual hospitals charge for different services online. (NYT)

U.S. Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand’s military sexual assault bill is not part of the defense spending pact agreed upon Monday by House and Senate leadership. (DN)

Gov. Cuomo on Monday announced the formation of his Hunger Task Force — about two weeks after anti-hunger advocates expressed concern that they had heard little about it since its initial announcement in January. (TU)

“No, but thank you for asking,” Cuomo told reporters when asked Monday if there was any significance in his trip to Washington — other than attending the Democratic Governors Association meeting and a fundraiser, that is. (DN)

If you can believe it, it was Cuomo’s first night’s sleep outside the state since he took office in 2011. (GNS)

New York and seven other upwind states are calling on federal environmental regulators to force nine coal-dependent Midwestern states to join a stricter smog-control program. (TU)

But Gov. Cuomo was the only one of the eight governors who did not sign the letter himself. (CapNY)

NYPIRG’s Blair Horner says some of the most damning (though not surprising) stuff in the Moreland Commission report is how the Board of Elections has become “essentially useless” at enforcement. (WAMC)

Commission co-chair William Fitzpatrick on the state’s pay-for-access conference sponsorship at RPI: “Are these people for real? I mean — you’re making this up? Did that come from The Onion?” (CapCon)

Fitzpatrick also said he can live without public financing of elections. (DN)

While the commission has focused on the Legislature, Cuomo insists, because that’s where the corruption is, 123 executive branch workers have been arrested or investigated for misconduct or ethical breaches since Cuomo took office. (DN)

A new report says less than 25% of tax-break deals handed out in the state are meeting job creation promises. (Crain’s)

ALIGN, the labor-backed group behind the report, timed it to come out ahead of the latest round of regional economic development grant announcements on Wednesday. (D&C)

Republican gubernatorial might-be Rob Astorino is headed to a Christmas event hosted by the Buffalo GOP next week. (GNS)

The state’s assorted county Boards of Elections support a single June primary date. (CapNY)

In national news…


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