Governor Cuomo has signed off on the New York Health and Essential Rights, or “HERO” Act aimed at boosting safety in the workplace.
“What we’re celebrating is not only the passage of NY HERO, but we’re celebrating the power of our frontline workers,” said Maritza Silva-Farrell with ALIGN-NY. Advocates and progressive lawmakers are taking a victory lap now that the New York HERO Act has been signed into law.
It requires the Department of Labor and the Department of Health to set “enforceable” standards that businesses must follow when it comes to infectious airborne diseases like COVID. Most workplaces will also need to allow employees to form safety committees. Additionally, it protects workers from retaliation if they report health and safety violations at work.
“For me, as a nurse, it’s so important to have these protections in place because I know how it has been affecting our workers, how many lives we’ve lost because of this,” said Assemblymember and bill sponsor Karines Reyes.
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