By Andrea Sears, WBAI Evening News
April 6, 2013
More than 1 million New York City residents, primarily the elderly and the disabled currently rely on home care services and supports. And over the next years as the Baby Boom Generation hits retirement age, another million could require home care. That will make home care the biggest single driving force for employment in the city. Today, the Alliance for a Greater New York, or ALIGN, and the NY Care Council released the results of a survey of the city’s current and anticipated home care needs. Drawing on more than 1,200 surveys, focus groups, and interviews, the report shows that the biggest concerns focus on the financial impacts on caregivers and their clients. Maya Pinto is Senior Policy and Research Analyst at ALIGN and author of the report.
Listen at WBAI. (Segment from minute 11:18 – 17:30)