Where does NYC’s commercial trash go?
The Center for Urban Pedagogy collaborated with ALIGN, Transform Don’t Trash NYC, and animator Cole Hannan to shed light on the dirty secrets behind NYC’s commercial waste. This short animation follows a discarded milk jug on its journey from trashcan to landfill, exposing the impacts the current commercial waste system has on workers, community members, and the environment.

Transform Don’t Trash NYC: Video
This powerful video features City Council Member and Sanitation Committee Chair Antonio Reynoso, small business owners, private sanitation workers and young people and advocates from environmental justice communities discussing the negative impacts that the city’s outdated waste system has on them, as well as solutions to create good jobs and clean and safe communities for all New Yorkers.
AirBnb Testimony by Martiza Silva-Farrell

People’s Climate March — Over 400,000 strong!
We organized the largest march for climate action in history. With over 400,000 attendees on September 24th and millions of others united in actions around the world, the People's Climate March drew attention to the climate crisis and built a movement between environmental justice, labor and community organizations.