In This Section

Raise Up NY

RAISE UP NY A coalition of labor unions, small businesses, and community organizations fighting for a higher minimum wage in New York.…

NY Essential Workers Coalition

NY Essential Workers Coalition: Protections for Covid-19 and Beyond Learn more about the NY HERO Act THE CRISIS The COVID-19 pandemic laid bare the devastating conditions that workers from across industries face during and long before the pandemic.…

Climate Works for All

CLIMATE WORKS FOR ALL Climate Works for All is a coalition of labor, community, faith, environmental justice, and climate organizations fighting climate change and inequality in NYC by demanding a Just Transition for workers and Environmental Justice communities.…

NY Renews

NY RENEWS NY Renews is a coalition of over 370 environmental, justice, faith, labor, and community groups, and the force behind the nation’s most progressive climate law.…

Transform Don’t Trash

The commercial waste industry in New York City is highly polluting, inefficient, and disproportionately impacts  communities of color and workers. The vast majority of waste is transported by heavy trucks to and from waste transfer stations in a handful of low-income communities and communities of color.…

Past Campaigns

LOW-WAGE WORKERS RISING ALIGN and members of our long-standing alliance are fighting for the rights of workers in the low-wage economy, where rapid automation is further eroding workers’ economic security.…