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Rep. Grimm Urged To Pitch In and Support Care, Not Cuts for New Yorkers

For Immediate Release: Wednesday, November 14, 2012 at 11:00 AM Contact: Kristi Barnes 718.755.5136 Rep. Grimm Urged to Pitch in and Support Care, Not Cuts for New Yorkers As “Budget Showdown” looms in Congress, Advocates on Staten Island Call for Care, Job Creation, and Protection of Lifeline Programs Faith, Senior, Occupy Sandy Recovery and other Activists Come Together to Work on Storm and Longer-Term Economic Recovery Staten Island, NY—Dozens of activists rallied and called upon U.S.…

New Corporate Tax Dodgers Hall of Shame Launches

The Getting Our Money’s Worth coalition announced the launch of a new website today that highlights the corporations that receive tax breaks but fail to create jobs, or create only poverty-wage jobs in return. The website launch featured a handful of corporations—from big banks like Bank of America Merrill Lynch to luxury apartment developers like Carl Paladino and A.G. Spanos—who have gamed New York’s economic development system.

For Press