In This Section

General resources

Current and Potential Green Jobs in the U.S. Economy (U.S. Conference of Mayors)

Green-Collar Jobs in America’s Cities: Building Pathways out of Poverty and Careers in the Clean Energy Economy (Apollo Alliance and Green For All)

Green Recovery: A Program to Create Good Jobs and Start Building a Low-Carbon Economy (Center for American Progress and Political Economy Research Institute)

Green Jobs: Towards Decent Work in a Sustainable, Low-carbon World (United Nations Environment Programme)

PlaNYC 2030

PlaNYC 2030, (City of New York)

PlaNYC 2030 Progress Report, (City of New York)


Energy Efficiency Portfolio Standard (New York State Public Service Commission)

New York State Renewable Portfolio Standard

New York City’s Solar Energy Future, Part I: the Market for Photovoltaic Systems in New York (The Center for Sustainable Energy at Bronx Community College)

Weatherization Assistance Program – New York State (Division of Housing and Community Renewal)

Home Performance with Energy Star Program (NYSERDA)

Multifamily Performance Program (NYSERDA)

New York City Puts Out Call for Renewable Power (Clean Tech Group, LLC)

Decoding the Code: How Can NYC’s 2007 Building Code Help Meet PlaNYC 2030 Energy/Carbon Reduction Goals? (The Sallan Foundation and CUNY Building Performance Lab)

Urban Forestry

NYC’s Urban Forest – MillionTreesNYC

New York Restoration Project

Parks Department – Career Opportunities


Interim Report of the Blue Ribbon Commission on Sustainability and The MTA

Green Manufacturing

The Green Manufacturing Scene (Sara Garretson, Industrial and Technical Assistance Corporation)

Local Law 86, City of New York

Build it Green! New York City

Green Training Initiatives in NYC

Association for Energy Affordability

Center for Sustainable Energy, Bronx Community College

Parks Opportunity Program, Parks Department

Solar 1

Steven Winter Associates, Inc.

Sustainable South Bronx