On April 22nd Mayor Michael Bloomberg issued his long-awaited plan to improve New York City’s environmental sustainability over the next 25 years while adapting to the impacts of global climate change and accommodating a projected 1 million more residents. PlaNYC 20301 is a comprehensive blueprint with 127 separate initiatives addressing 10 major goals – from reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 30% to assuring every New Yorker has access to a park within a 10-minute walk to achieving the cleanest air quality of any major US city.
We applaud Mayor Bloomberg for the scope of his vision. PlaNYC addresses many of the demands summarized in the NYC Apollo Alliance 10-Point Plan for the 21st Century. We are especially pleased to see concrete proposals to promote solar energy, clean up brown fields and bolster energy distribution systems. PlaNYC also estimates 5.000 new green collar jobs in the energy sector alone.