On October 16th 2017, ALIGN and over 25 community organizations across New York City and State sent letters to Governor Cuomo and Mayor de Blasio calling on them to stop rolling out the red carpet for Amazon’s expansion in New York.
NYC is one of many cities across North America vying for Amazon’s second headquarters. The letters emphasize that city and state government should not give Amazon any taxpayer-funded financial incentives as the retail giant eyes a massive expansion in New York. We are calling on our city and state government to hold Amazon to higher standards for how it treats workers and communities as it seeks to expand its operations here.
The letters were unveiled at a press conference outside City Hall.
They are signed by over 25 community organizations representing over 200,000 New Yorkers (list as of October 15): ALIGN (Alliance for a Greater New York); Alliance for Quality Education; Association for Neighborhood and Housing Development (ANHD); Brandworkers; Coalition for Economic Justice (CEJ); CAAAV Organizing Asian Communities; Center for Popular Democracy; Churches United for Fair Housing; Citizen Action of New York; Community Voices Heard; Families United for Racial and Economic Equality (FUREE); Faith in New York; Jobs First; Jews for Racial & Economic Justice; Justice League NYC; Make the Road New York; Metro Justice; Mutual Housing Association of New York; National Employment Law Project; New York Communities for Change; New York Lawyers for the Public Interest; Partnership for Working Families; People’s Climate Movement NY; Retail Action Project; Showing Up for Racial Justice; South Bronx Unite; Strong Economy for All Coalition; Voices of Community Activists and Leaders (VOCALNY); Workers Justice Project.
Read coverage in: New York Daily News.

Cathy from Make the Road NY addresses the media – billion dollar companies like Amazon should not receive subsidies.